Darlene zschech you are holy
Darlene zschech you are holy

“In sensory stimulation, Hillsong’s productions rival any other contemporary form of entertainment” (Ed Stetzer, LifeWay Research, New York Times, Sept. The New York Times reported that Hillsong is “without a doubt the most influential producers of worship music in Christendom” (“Megachurch with a Beat Lures Young Flock,” Sept. Popular Hillsong songs include “Oceans,” “Shout to the Lord,” “Stronger,” “This Is Our God,” and “Mighty to Save.” Hillsong is hugely popular and influential and has invaded many independent Baptist churches. In 2010, Darlene and her husband became the senior pastors of Hope Unlimited Church, another Pentecostal church in Australia, but she continues to be involved in music projects with Hillsong. She is also associated with Integrity Music and the Hosanna label.

darlene zschech you are holy

For 25 years she was “worship pastor” at Hills Christian Life Centre, Sydney, Australia, and has published many popular worship albums under the Hillsong Music label. D arlene Zschech (pronounced check ) is a prominent voice in the Contemporary Worship movement.

Darlene zschech you are holy